More Than Conquerors

I say to you, I AM pouring out My Spirit upon all flesh, and at the same time that you see the outpouring of My Spirit you are seeing judgements happening throughout the earth.

I say, as My Spirit is being poured out simultaneously, there are judgements happening in the Nations of this world.

Do not doubt what you see, for I say to you, even as we speak My judgements are being poured out.

 Many of the fires that you are seeing are My judgement in the earth. I AM burning up the dross in My love for mankind.

I AM drawing mankind by My Spirit, and I AM saying to mankind, come unto Me now, for I love you with an everlasting love.

I loved you and I died for you, and I AM calling you to come unto Me while there is time. Pray men everywhere turn their hearts to Me.

Pray that they bend their will to the will of My Spirit and that they cry out with their whole heart to be saved for I AM not willing My child that any should perish.

I AM not willing that one soul would be lost for eternity, but I AM pouring out My Spirit and  unfortunately men do not come unless they have great difficulties in their lives.

Most will not come at the wooing of My Spirit unless they are facing trouble and calamity. It is not men’s nature to just come and surrender, and I say unto you, there is a battle going on in the earth.

There is that two edged sword working on man’s behalf, and at the same time, doors have been opened in the Nations and in the United States especially, to the working of the enemy.

Barriers have been let down and the Trojan horse is within.

Evil is facing the United States of America and at the same time I AM drawing My children closer to Me and I AM drawing man into My loving arms.

Pray for the harvest of souls. Pray that mankind would come to Me before it is too late.

The hour is late, the hour is very late. The day of the Lord is at hand even at the door and most do not believe this.

Even My children do not know that I AM coming quickly.

 As things wax worse and worse, My Secret Place is a place of hiddenness. Know that My secret place is a place of Divine protection, that My secret place is a place of comfort, and a place of provision.

Know that you can hide in the Secret Place of the most high and be protected under the shadow of the Almighty.

I say you have seen My Divine protection. You will yet see it, and you will know that I AM God, and that My hand is upon your life.

I say to you, come closer to Me daily,  and above all when the enemy tries to assail with fear rebuke him in the name of Jesus, for I do not give My children a spirit of fear, but power love, and a sound mind.

I AM the provision in the years to come. I AM your provider, and I AM the provider for My children, and I say, nothing will hurt My children as they come running to Me, yield to Me and draw to Me, letting go of the things of this world.

My light will become brighter and brighter. Yes, there is chastisement. Yes, things are being exposed in the lives of people, but it is all for their good.

 I AM drawing mankind into a personal relationship with Me. It will no longer work for men to go forward without time in My Word.

Continue to take time in My Word and continue to rejoice in the dealings of My Spirit, in My working in your heart and life.

Work out your salvation with fear and trembling before Me.

Know that I AM God! Know that I AM holy, that I AM righteous, and that I AM just and perfect, fair and I do all things well.

I say again I do all things well and I will say it a third time.  I AM perfect God and I do all things well and I never fail My own.

Seek Me, call Me, find that place in the Secret Place daily and I will keep you hidden in Christ. Even in the days months and years to come you will be hidden in Me, protected by My Divine protection from the enemy.

The onslaught is great, but I AM greater than the onslaught of the enemy.

I AM so much greater!  See My power. See My victory. See My resources.  See that I AM Almighty God and there is none like unto Me in heaven or earth.

I will deal with man. I will deal with the wickedness in this world, I will deal with the hearts of men.

My children run close to Me, come under My wings and I will protect you in My love and I will keep you in the palm of My hand for such a time as this.

 I AM your rock. I AM your salvation. I AM your comfort. I AM your shield.

You are more than a conqueror through Christ. I say, My children you are more than conquerors through Christ.

You are more than victorious in Me.  Your joy and your hope is in Me.  I AM your treasure. I AM Almighty God!

Sing to Me a new song, sing to Me for I AM your treasure. I AM your treasure, and your treasure cannot be stolen.

I say I AM your treasure and where thieves can break and steal, they cannot steal My love for you. They cannot steal My Word that is hidden in the deep recesses of your heart.

Continue to arm yourself with the full armour of God and continue hiding My Word daily in your heart that you might not sin against Me.

Continue to hide My Word within you for it is power. It is life. It is healing. My word is healing. My word is soothing, my Word comforts like nothing else.

I say again, I AM coming soon for a church without spot or wrinkle.

 Forgive continually and do not allow the enemy to get an edge but continue to forgive those that despitefully use you and say all matter of evil against you falsely. 

Forgive for My sake, and I will forgive your sins as you walk in forgiveness towards others. Forgive a hundred times seven.  Come to Me often to be washed in My blood that I shed for you.

Delight in Me and know My heart. I see your heart. I see the frailties of life but know that you are more than a conqueror and I AM that strength within you that enables you to overcome and walk, says the Lord.

Patricia Hamel
June 18, 2024