Even When You Do Not See!

Faith is walking forward when you do not see. Faith is walking forward when you do not hear. Faith is trusting God when you see nothing, but you know His Word and are confident in what it says.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

I hear the Lord saying, “be confident that I AM leading you, be confident that I AM guiding you by My Spirit even when you do not fully see the path ahead”.

The Lord is saying, “put a new measure of trust in Me, read My Word and fill yourself with it, and be confident to move forward in this fight of faith. Be confident to move forward in the power of My love, for you are walking as an Overcomer in this hour.

You are walking in faith and victory and standing. You shall not be defeated”.

Go forward this day with new resolution, go forward with new trust, move on, and do the new things that I AM calling you to do.

Rise and shine in this hour for I have given you the victory that overcomes the world even your faith. Arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.

“ In returning and rest, you shall be saved;

In confidence shall be your strength. “ But you would not, …..Isa. 30:16 NKJV

…”The just shall live by faith.” Romans 1:17 NKJV

Patricia Hamel

September 22, 2023